Welcome to Security Talk with Yuri Diogenes and Tom Shinder

Demo Day - Building a Cloud Infrastructure with Windows Server 2012

What about using this Friday to watch Tom Shinder and I building a cloud infrastructure using Windows Server 2012? Here it is a video that describes each step to accomplish that:


Note: This video uses the steps that are documented in the Building Your Cloud Infrastructure: Converged Data Center with File Server Storage article.

I presented this video at COMTEC 2012 in Brazil and the feedback from the audience was very good. We hope you also enjoy watching it.

Episode 12 with Alex Trofimov at TechED Russia

Hello folks, Yuri Diogenes here and today I want to announce Episode 12, live from Russia!! Well, not fully live because unfortunately I was not there, but my great friend Tom Shinder was there and he interviewed the MS Consumer Security MVP Alex Trofimov. Besides this interview, Tom also presented two breakout sessions, one about DA and another one about Private Cloud.


Enjoy the show and stay tuned on this channel for Episode 13, the DDD (Demo Day in December)!



Yuri Diogenes

Senior Technical Writer, Windows Server iX IT PRO Security Yuri's blog : https://blogs.technet.com/yuridiogenes
Windows iX IT PRO Security Blog: https://blogs.technet.com/securitycontent
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuridiogenes

Tom Shinder tomsh@microsoft.com

Principal Knowledge Engineer, Private Cloud Security SCD iX Solutions Group Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tshinder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tshinder

Episode 13 Demo Day with Test Lab Guide and Troubleshooting TMG Performance

Hello folks, Yuri Diogenes here and today I want to announce our first Demo Day Episode. The goal of the Demo Day is to bring to you a full episode only with Demos related to Microsoft technologies, including also some troubleshooting tips and other security related demos. However we understand that in order to start up a good demo you need a good lab, that's why our first demo presented by Tom Shinder is about Test Lab Guide. Before watch the demo I truly recommend you to read the post below from Tom's blog:

Test Lab Guides Lead the Way to Solution Mastery


This post will explain in more details what the TLG is all about and why it is so important for you to have your own lab to test those technologies.

The second demo, presented by me is about a subject that I wrote many times on my own blog: troubleshooting TMG performance issue. I know right, I love this subject. In this demo I use Windbg and Perfmon to troubleshoot a performance issue on TMG. It is important to set the correct expectation that this demo will provide the minimum steps to troubleshoot performance using those tools, I'm not trying to teach you how to debug, this can take way longer than just 15 minutes. The demo will only give you a basic foundation to understand what you can do using those tools in a situation like that.


If you have any suggestion for future demos please tweet it to us Smile (@yuridiogenes and @tshinder).


Yuri Diogenes

Senior Technical Writer, Windows Server iX IT PRO Security Yuri's blog : https://blogs.technet.com/yuridiogenes
Windows iX IT PRO Security Blog: https://blogs.technet.com/securitycontent
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuridiogenes

Tom Shinder tomsh@microsoft.com

Principal Knowledge Engineer, Private Cloud Security SCD iX Solutions Group Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tshinder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tshinder

Episode 2– Kevin Saye and Notes from the Microsoft Security Field

In this episode, Yuri and I hosted a guest from the Microsoft field, Kevin Saye. Kevin is a Microsoft Senior Security TSP working with the Microsoft security portfolio which includes Forefront Endpoint Protection. During this episode Kevin will answer questions from Tom and Yuri about Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010 adoption and also a variety of security topics such as cloud security.

We hope you enjoy this session and if you have any questions, please leave a comment in the comments section on this page and either Yuri or I will answer you as soon as possible. Thanks!


Yuri Diogenes

Senior Technical Writer, Windows Server iX IT PRO Security Yuri's blog : https://blogs.technet.com/yuridiogenes
Windows iX IT PRO Security Blog: https://blogs.technet.com/securitycontent
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/yuridiogenes

Tom Shinder tomsh@microsoft.com

Principal Knowledge Engineer SCD iX Solutions Group The "Edge Man" blog : https://blogs.technet.com/tomshinder/default.aspx
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tshinder
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tshinder

Episode 20 at TechED North America 2012

Hello folks,

We will be next week at TechED North America 2012 and we will record Episode 20 from there. We have great guests, including the Microsoft Principal Program Manager Jose Barreto that will talk about SMB 3 Security Enhancements. We will also be presenting on Tuesday and Wednesdays on the sessions below:

AAP304: Private Cloud Principles, Concepts, and Patterns
Speaker(s): Tom Shinder
Monday, June 11 at 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Architecture & Practices | Breakout Session | 300 - Advanced

So you've heard a lot about the Private Cloud—but, what exactly is a Private Cloud? What are the principals, patterns, and concepts that drive a private cloud infrastructure? Attend this session to learn about business value, perception if infinite capacity, predictability, fabric management, fault domains, and many more private cloud architectural components that enable you to realize the true benefits of the private cloud. This is a cornerstone session that you must attend to understand how the private cloud differs from a traditional datacenter and how to architect the private cloud correctly.

AAP306: Private Cloud Security Architecture: A Solution for Private Cloud Security
Speaker(s): Tom Shinder, Yuri Diogenes
Tuesday, June 12 at 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Architecture & Practices | Breakout Session | 300 - Advanced

Cloud computing introduces new opportunities and new challenges. One of those challenges is how security is approached in the private cloud. While private cloud can share a lot of security issues with traditional datacenters, there are a number of key issues that set private cloud security apart from how security is done in the traditional datacenter. In this session, Dr. Tom Shinder and Yuri Diogenes discusses these issues and wrap them in to a comprehensive discussion on private cloud security architecture. By taking an architectural approach to private cloud security, you will be able to understand the critical concepts, principles and patterns that drive a successful security implementation of private cloud.
Read more

WSV320: Understanding and Deploying Hosted Private Cloud: Concepts and Implementation
Speaker(s): Joshua Adams, Tom Shinder, Yuri Diogenes
Wednesday, June 13 at 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Windows Server | Breakout Session | 300 – Advanced

The Hosted Private Cloud is a new deployment model that enables an exceptional level of mobility and availability for your private cloud deployments. However, to get the most out of a Hosted Private Cloud solution, you need to understand the core concepts that drive a successful Hosted Private Cloud deployment and then understand what you need to do to implement the solution. In this talk, Dr. Tom Shinder and Yuri Diogenes discuss key Hosted Private Cloud Concepts and then demonstrate critical steps in implementing a hosted Private cloud. Demos show you how to evaluate the Hosted Private Cloud environment and how to configure and validate your Hosted Private Cloud configuration.

We will also be at O'Reilly/Microsoft Press booth (#1936) as announced at Microsoft Press blog today.


You don't want to miss Episode 20, it will be great!

Have a great TechED week!

Episode 20 Part 2 - Live from TechEd North America 2012

In this episode, Tom Shinder and Yuri Diogenes recorded a series of interviews at TechED North America in Orlando. The first interviewer was Jose Barreto, a Principal Program Manager from Microsoft. During this interview Jose Barreto explained how SMB Encryption works and the benefits of using this new capability. The second interviewer was Yigal Edery, a Principal Program Manager from Microsoft. During this interview Yigal Edery talked about some Security features available in Windows Server 2012 that can be used to enhance the overall security strategy for a Cloud Infrastructure. At the end of this show you will also see a quick tour in the Microsoft Direct Access Booth.

Episode 21 - Dynamic Access Control on Windows Server 2012

Technorati Tags: Dynamic Access Control,DAC,Security,Windows Server 2012

In this episode, Tom Shinder and Yuri Diogenes interviewed Tim Springston, a Senior Support Escalation Engineer from Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) Directory Services Team. During this interview Tim Springston talked about Dynamic Access Control (DAC) in Windows Server 2012 and new enhancements in Kerberos. Tim explained how DAC works and gave some examples on how to use it in a mixed environment with Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7.