Enhancements to SQL Server Backup to Cloud in SQL Server 2012 SP1 CU4

SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature Pack is now available



This includes SQL Server Native Client 2008 R2.

SQL Server code-named "Denali" Native Client supporting ODBC 3.8

We're excited to announce that Denali SNAC CTP1 adds support for the ODBC 3.8 features of the Microsoft ODBC DM (Driver Manager) introduced in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Please refer to https://blogs.msdn.com/b/data/archive/2009/07/06/odbc-dm-3-80-in-windows-7-and-windows-server-2008-r2.aspx for a blog posting detailing the ODBC DM changes.

The ODBC 3.8 features supported in Denali SNAC are:

Streamed Output Parameters
Support retrieving output parameters in parts via SQLGetData when the output parameter was bound using SQLBindParameter. This is extremely valuable when working with large data objects, such as varbinary(max), varchar(max), and nvarchar(max), since allocating an extremely large buffer may not be possible.

ODBC C-Type Extensibility
Leveraging the functionality of C-type extensibility introduced in the ODBC 3.8 driver manager, Denali SNAC introduced SQL_C_SS_TIME2 and SQL_C_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET C-type structures. The introduction of these 2 new C-types provides application developers a rich programming experience when using SQL Server Time and DatetimeOffset data types. So, instead of binding these data types as SQL_C_BINARY and having to manually realize the byte sequence can cast to a struct, application developers can now directly bind these data types as the new C-types which automatically maps to the structs.

Asynchronous Connection Operation
Before ODBC 3.80, asynchronous mode was only supported on statement operations, such as SQLExecDirect and SQLGetData. Leveraging the ODBC 3.8 feature, Denali SNAC extends this support to connection operations, such as SQLDriverConnect and SQLEndTran. It also allows applications to cancel connection operations via SQLCancelHandle, just as with SQLCancel on statement operations.

Jimmy Wu
Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server Connection Director will not be in the RTM version of the release

The SQL Server Connection Director is a feature in Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 and SQL Server 2008 R2 CTP. However, Microsoft has already decided that this feature will not be included in the final version of Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2. Please do not use this feature in Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 or SQL Server 2008 R2 CTP.

SQL Server Connectivity has a new portal page!

The Microsoft SQL Server team is working on a portal page that brings together common resources and community links for all data access providers to Microsoft SQL Server. We'd like your feedback on how useful you will find it and what else you'd like to see included. Although, at this time we're concentrating on bringing together the most useful links, in the future we might include more content and your feedback will help us to determine which additional content and links are most useful. Our goal is to give you a single page you can bookmark in order to use as the starting point for your data access needs regardless of the technology you're using, and to make it easy to explore the different options available to access Microsoft SQL Server in the most efficient way.


Using the Site Feedback link in Additional Resources on the right hand side of the page, please send your feedback, before June 30th please, on the general usefulness of this page, what additional content you'd like to see included in the future and what additional links you'd find useful.


The new portal page can be found at https://msdn.microsoft.com/sqlserver/connectivity.



Jimmy Wu


SQL Server Customer Survey (Fall 2010)

Greetings to the SQL Server community:


Last year in October 2009, we introduced the process of interacting on a regular basis with the developers and users in the form of surveys. During the last 12 months, we completed surveys that focused on the broad SQL Connectivity components, including ODBC, ADO.NET, JDBC and PHP. These surveys provide us with an ability to validate some of the requests we have got from developers, users and partners such as you as well as ideas that we have gathered internally as a part of our development process. You have seen our roadmap for SQL Server evolve based on the feedback that we have received.


We view your organization as a key stakeholder in the process that we have to identify areas for future investments. The feedback you provide is valuable and each response will be read and will be treated with utmost confidence.


The survey can be found in the link below and will be available until 25th October, 2010 5:00 PM PST.



Thank you,


Raghu Ram

Principal Group Program Manager

SQL Connectivity

SQL Server RDBMS Group

Microsoft Corporation

SQL Server Customer Survey (Fall 2010) final weekend

Thank-you all for your active participation in our Fall 2010 customer survey.  Due to your overwhelming response, we have extended the survey until Nov. 2.

For quick access, the link to the survey is here https://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22BAW29Z8P2.

Jimmy Wu
Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server Native Client: Connection strings and OLE DB

(Anton Klimov, a developer on the SQL Server Native Client team, wrote the following article.)

Connection strings for an OLE DB provider is a concept that causes a lot of confusion. One problem is that OLE DB itself does not define connection string as a provider concept.

The documentation at Connection String Syntax (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms722656(VS.85).aspx) says:

"A connection string is a string version of the initialization properties needed to connect to a data store and enables you to easily store connection information within your application or to pass it between applications. Without a connection string, you would be required to store or pass a complex array of structures to access data. When accessing OLE DB directly, using IDataInitialize (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714296%28VS.85%29.aspx), the connection string is passed as a parameter to create an OLE DB data source object."

"when accessing OLE DB directly" actually means that the application doesn't directly instantiate a corresponding provider object, but rather goes through the "service component", (otherwise known as "core services", layer (oledb32.dll) by doing something like:

hr = CoCreateInstance(
CLSID_MSDASC, // CLSID of "service component"
NULL, // pUnkOuter

This way, you get additional services from oledb32 like session pooling, automatic transaction enlistment, cursor engine, and support for additional interfaces.

This also applies to ADO; so for an ADO programmer, a connection string is a similar concept but the way the provider looks at it is frequently misunderstood.

From the provider point of view there is no such thing as a connection string, instead the provider understands the initialization properties, which are hinted to in the above passage as "complex array of structures to access data". See also OLE DB Initialization Properties: Quick Reference (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms723996(VS.85).aspx).

What makes the situation especially confusing is that one of the properties is similar to a connection string. These are the so called "Extended Properties" (DBPROP_INIT_PROVIDERSTRING).

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms723996(VS.85).aspx for it says:

"A string containing provider-specific, extended connection information. Use of this property implies that the consumer knows how this string will be interpreted and used by the provider. Consumers should use this property only for provider-specific connection information that cannot be explicitly described through the property mechanism."

However, in practice, lack of understanding leads consumers to use a combination of keywords both corresponding to the generic OLE DB properties and to provider specific keywords making sense only in the context of the provider string.

For example the site listing lots of examples of connection strings has the following for SQL Server Native Client 10.0 OLE DB Provider (https://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server-2008):

Provider=SQLNCLI10; Server=myServerAddress; Database=myDataBase; Trusted_Connection=yes; MarsConn=yes;

Equivalent key-value pair: "MultipleActiveResultSets=true" equals "MARS_Connection=yes"

Here "Provider" keyword is used by oledb32 to find a CLSID of the provider to instantiate. "Server", "Database", "Trusted_Connection" and "MarsConn" are not the names of the OLE DB initialization properties (which would be "Data Source", "Integrated Security", and "Mars Connection"). Moreover, MarsConn=yes will have no effect, see explanation below.

MultipleActiveResultSets is a keyword for ADO.NET , and MARS_Connection is for ODBC.

oledb32 process a connection string as follows: it tries to find the keywords corresponding to the generic OLE DB initialization keywords (corresponding to DBPROPSET_DBINIT), and it also queries a provider by using IDBProperties::GetPropertyInfo (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms718175(VS.85).aspx) to see which initialization properties provider supports (for SQL Server Native Client it is DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDBINIT). For matched keywords, the corresponding properties will be set, everything else goes into "Extended Properties".

Consider the following example in VBScript:

set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

connection.ConnectionString = "provider=sqlncli10;data source=akl6; integrated security=sspi;initial catalog=tempdb"


WScript.Echo connection.ConnectionString

Here is the result of the execution:

Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=sspi;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Data Source=akl6;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=AKL5;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;MARS Connection=False;DataTypeCompatibility=0;Trust Server Certificate=False

If we try the following connection string


we will get:

Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Extended Properties="server=akl6;database=tempdb;Trusted_Connection=yes;MarsConn=yes";Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto

Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=AKL5;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;MARS Connect

ion=False;DataTypeCompatibility=0;Trust Server Certificate=False

As you can see all the keywords that we specified are bundled into "Extended Properties" since they are not recognized as property names. What is worse is that now we apparently have two keywords corresponding to MARS Connectivity and one is "yes", whether the other is "False".

Which one wins? It turns out that the generic value wins. So the setting "MarsConn=yes" as a part of OLE DB connection string has no effect. It would work only if the provider was initialized directly and provider specific property was not used, but "Extended Properties" was used.

If you have the following:

"Server=server1; Data Source=server2;"

The data Source will win.

Generic Initialization properties (DBPROPSET_DBINIT)

The following list shows property IDs and their associated description/keywords:

Property ID

Description / keyword


Integrated Security




Persist Security Info


User ID


Asynchronous Processing


Initial Catalog


Data Source


Window Handle


Locale Identifier




Extended Properties


Connect Timeout


General Timeout

If default value is specified the property cannot be overridden with an "extended property" when used in an OLE DB connection string.


Provider Specific Properties (DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDBINIT)

The following list shows the associated property IDs, default values (if any) and description/keywords for provider specific properties.


(no default value)

Current Language


(no default value)

Network Address


(no default value)

Network Library



Use Procedure for Prepare



Auto Translate



Packet Size


(no default value)

Application Name


(no default value)

Workstation ID


(no default value)

Initial File Name



Use Encryption for Data


(no default value)

Replication server name connect option



Tag with column collation when possible



MARS Connection


(no default value)

Failover Partner


(no default value)

Old Password






Trust Server Certificate


(no default value)

Server SPN


(no default value)

Failover Partner SPN


Note that the corresponding properties are not going to be set, and as mentioned above, some of the settings might be ignored.


The following list shows keywords recognized in the provider string and its (approximate) corresponding property.
















"Network" or "Net" or "Network Library"


"Address" or "Addr"







Not used





"AutoTranslate" or "Auto Translate"

























Linked server configuration note:


In the "Linked Server Properties -- New Linked Server" dialog box" (SQL Server Management Studio go to Server Objects -> Linked Servers -> New Linked Server), the Provider string" really corresponds to "Extended Properties".

Some users try putting their generic OLE DB Connection string, which leads to the server discarding all or the part of the settings and it could end up connecting to the local machine instead of the machine that the user thinks is specified. For instance if "Failover Partner" is specified in that dialog and it contains a space, the setting will have no effect since in the provider string no space is expected.