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Office 365 Lanzado !!! Steve Ballmer lo ha anunciado hoy
Para todos aquellos que no lo sepais, soportamos el BES dentro de los servicios online. Pues bien, pese a lo prohibitivo de su precio hemos mejorado la gestion, añadiendo la compra/alta/baja/etc dentro del MOCP (Microsoft Online Customer Portal)
Como a mi no me pagan los de RIM y tampoco quiero darles negocio hay dos herramientas igualmente buenas y mucho más baratas una de ellas es con 49$ al año/dispositivo y con 149$ primer año y $30 los siguientes, que ¿ cual es mejor ? pues las dos son iguales practicamente, se tratan de clientes ActiveSync incorporados al dispositivo BlackBerry. COn otros dispositivos no es necesario: iPhones, Nokia, .... etc.
Bueno, seguiremos informando
Comparativa Google Apps y Microsoft BPOS
Os dejo un enlace a una serie de Articulos de Josh Saenz sobre la comparativa GoogleApps / Microsoft BPOS, pese a algunas puntualizaciones que haría está hecho con bastante rigor, que pena de trolls que solo dicen tonterias en los comentarios,
Os pego las conclusiones aunque es mas que recomendable la lectura completa, GRACIAS JOSH
¿Google Apps o Microsoft BPOS? (VIII y final)
21. enero 2011by josh saenz g.3 Comentarios
Llegamos al final de la serie, y quisiera dejaros una tabla resumen de las principales características que he ido analizado en detalle y apuntando quién es el ganador en cada caso. Como se puede observar, ambos productos son muy similares en los servicios que ofrecen, sin embargo una de las conclusiones a las que he podido llegar es que para algunos escenarios será más adecuado Google Apps, mientras que para otros Microsoft BPOS.
Características | Google Apps | Microsoft BPOS |
Soporte de diferentes Sistemas Operativos |
| |
Compatibilidad con diferentes navegadores |
| |
Mejor sincronización con dispositivos móviles | |
Mejor integración con aplicaciones de ofimática | |
Sopote para trabajo en modo offline | |
Mejor sincronización de Directorio Activo |
Mayor número de certificaciones y mejor cumplimiento legal | |
Menor coste de servicio |
| |
- Los servicios de Google Apps ganan cuando se trata de ofrecer soporte en diferentes sistemas operativos, especialmente linux y compatibilidad con navegadores diferentes a Internet Explorer, sin embargo esto puede cambiar muy pronto con el lanzamiento de la nueva versión de BPOS, llamda ya oficialmente Office 365, tal y como indica mi compañero Rubén Alonso [MVP SharePoint] en WindowsTé
Office 365 actualiza toda su base tecnológica a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, SharePoint 2010 y Lync Server 2010 y tanto Exchange 2010 como SharePoint 2010 ofrecen compatibilidad completa con navegadores Firefox, Google Chrome y Safari, por lo tanto cualquier usuario, independientemente de la plataforma que utilice, podrá experimentar las fucionalidades completas via Web de cada producto.
- Si hablamos de dispositivos móviles e integración con aplicaciones de ofimática, Microsoft BPOS es un claro ganador. La integración que ofrece con Office 2007 y 2010 es total, permitiendo abrir o guardar documentos directamente en Sharepoint Online o visualizando continuamente el estado de presencia de los contactos, características que no incorpora Google Apps. En el caso de Outlook, el cliente nativo de Exchange, se ofrece un nivel de integración completo, pudiendo trabajar desde cualquier sitio con un único acceso HTTPS. En el artículo 2 de esta serie teneis todos los detalles.
- La integración de Google Apps y Outlook deja mucho que desear, sobre todo porque no sincroniza elementos como reglas, firmas, adjuntos de calendario, categorías, etiquetas de seguimiento, notas, tareas, carpetas públicas, etc, tal y como ya conté en artículo número 4 de esta serie. Sin embargo, Google no mejora cuando se trata de otros clientes diferentes de Outlook, como Appli Mail, Thunderbird, Evolution, etc. ya que el acceso se realiza mediante un simple protocolo POP / IMAP.
- Otro aspecto destacable es la capacidad que ofrece Microsoft BPOS para el trabajo en modo Offline. Precisamente el grado de integración que tiene con office permite que mientras los usuarios estén desconectados, éstos puedan seguir trabajando sin perder productividad. Google por el contrario no ofrece una suite de cliente alternativa a su servicio Google Docs. En el mundo Google el trabajo es unicamente online. lo podeis revisar en el artículo 3 de esta serie.
- Un área en donde ambas soluciones son muy similares y considero que ambos son ganadores, es en las tareas de sincronización de Directorio Activo. Google Apps Directory Sync y Microsoft Online Services Migration Tool ofrecen las mismas capacidades, con la salvedad de que la solución de Google es algo más flexible a la hora de seleccionar que se quiere sincronizar, mientras que Microsoft gana por su facilidad de implantación y puesta en producción, tal y como indiqué en el artículo número 5 de esta serie.
- El cumplimiento legal es cada vez más inportante para las organizaciones y un factor de decisión fundamental. Por lo tanto en este apartado, Microsoft BPOS supera a Google Apps ya que dispone de más número de certificaciones y regulaciones adscritas, además Microsoft tiene su centro de datos para EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Asia) en Irlanda, mientras que Google ofrece ocultismo en este sentido y no se sabe exactamente donde están los datos de sus clientes. Podéis revisar el artículo número 6 de esta serie.
- Por último, lógicamente el coste es una variable de decisión fundamental para muchas empresas, sin embargo no hay que olvidar que lo barato al final puede salir caro. Google Apps en este aspecto, gana a Microsoft BPOS, sin embargo, al final se puede pagar un alto precio mucho más caro que Microsoft BPOS debido a:
- La falta de integración con aplicaciones de ofimática, sin ninguna alternativa que ofrezca Google.
- La incapacidad de trabajar desconectado.
- La no migración de todos los elementos del correo.
- Un mayor esfuerzo durante la migración ya que muchos elementos no se migran o hay que prepararlos individualmente, tal y como se describe en la guia de migración de Google Apps.
Por todo ello, considero que Microsoft BPOS es el ganador de esta comparativa técnica y de funcionalidades.
Pronto tendremos disponible Office 365, con nuevas características y que sin duda revolucionará el mundo de los servicios Online. Si Google quiere competir con Office 365 debe cambiar mucho sus servicios y ofrecer al menos el mismo grado de integración que Microsoft.
Desarrolladores y Office 365
Recien salido del horno :-D a Disfrutarlo !!!
To coincide with the launch activities, we're releasing an updated Office 365 Training Course to help developers build solutions for the cloud for Office 365. The kit includes 8 sessions, over 12 hours of video and 19 labs as both an offline training kit as well as an online training course on MSDN.
The Office 365 Developer Training Kit includes the following training units:
- Developing in the Cloud with Office 365 (Updated)
- Office 365 provides a communication and collaboration service in the cloud that you can leverage to build custom solutions for SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Lync Online. In this session, you'll learn about this new cloud service and the breadth of solutions that can be developed using the same skills, tools and SDKs you use today when building on-premises solutions.
- Developing for SharePoint Online with Sandbox Solutions (Updated)
- Sandboxed Solutions are the development paradigm for SharePoint Online. In this session, you'll learn about sandboxed solutions including how to develop, debug and deploy solutions. You'll also learn the breadth of solutions that can be developed in the sandbox and strategies for developing common scenarios that are not enabled in the sandbox.
- Building Workflow Solutions for SharePoint Online (Updated)
- Building Workflow solutions for SharePoint Online allows you to automate collaboration-centric business processes and surface them to your users via SharePoint Online. In this session, you'll learn the differences between declarative and code-based workflows, design a workflow using Visio 2010, implement that workflow in SharePoint Designer 2010 and customize the workflow using Visual Studio 2010 and custom actions.
- Developing SharePoint Online Solutions with the Client Object Model (Updated)
- The SharePoint Client Object Model provides libraries for programmatically accessing SharePoint Online via Silverlight and JavaScript. In this session, we'll go deep into the Client Object Model and show you how to develop solutions using both Silverlight and JavaScript.
- SharePoint Online Branding (New)
- Customizing an intranet site with your company's identity and branding can help create a more effective collaboration experience. In this video, you'll learn how SharePoint Online allows users, designers and developers to customize the look and feel of a site. This can range from simple changes like setting a site logo and Theme to completely changing the user experience with custom styles and Master Pages. In this session, you'll learn how to make these customizations to brand your SharePoint Online site.
- Leveraging Excel and Access Services in SharePoint Online (Updated)
- Excel and Access Services provide powerful features for building SharePoint Online solutions. In this session, you'll get an inside look at both Excel and Access services and how each can be accessed programmatically when building SharePoint Online solutions.
- Developing Communication Solutions for Lync Online (Updated)
- In this session, you learn how to integrate Lync features into your WPF and Silverlight clients much in the same way that Office and SharePoint do, including presence, contact lists and click-to-communicate features. You will also learn how to extend Lync communications to include data and features from your client applications much in the same way that Outlook 2010 does with the "IM" and "Call" features within an email.
- Developing Messaging Solutions for Exchange Online (Updated)
- In this session, you'll learn how to integrate Exchange Online mailbox data such as mail, calendar and task items as well as Exchange Online services such as the free-busy service into your applications using an easy to discover and easy to use managed API.
Getting Started:
To use this kit as self-paced training and customer demos, you'll need to do the following:
- Download and configure the Information Worker VMs (2010-9) to provide you a local SharePoint development environment.
- Download and install the Office 365 Developer Training Kit onto the 2010a VM.
- Sign up for an Office 365 trial to gain access to the service.
- Visit the Office 365 Training Course on MSDNto watch the videos and get started with the labs.
With the release of Office 365, all this content is public!
DirSync y ADFS en Azure !!!!
Despues de 9 meses sin un post voy a tomar este como punto de partida para volver a iniciar
Claro que la ocasion es perfecta !!!! Se acaba de dar a conocer en este enlace here una guia para el deploy de DirSync y AD FS en Azure aka Office 365 adapter !!! en este enlace vereis la entrada del BLog donde se anuncia
Bueno espero que os haya gustado tanto como a mi esta esperadisima noticia !!!
Espacio de nombres compartidos. AkA Coexistencia de Office 365 con Exchange 2007
UNa notita para recordarme, shared namespace con local relay puede ser encontrado aqui
Mucho cuidado con los Coex de relay cloud.... para ello hay que tener FOPE ya en el dominio.
Existe !!! Powershell....... pa vagos
Acabo de encontrar (si alguno lo conociais, pues eso...) en el constructor de powershell
Adaptado para Office 365
Formacion admins office 365
Buenos recursos para empezar con buen pie
Office 365 training videos:
Por material que no sea :-D
Grabaciones del Practice Accelerator for Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS)
De mis compañeros de GPS (Global Partner Services) que podeis encontrar en os hago llegar estos webcasts que ha preparado
Ya tenemos disponibles las grabaciones del Practice Accelerator for Business
Productivity Online Suite (BPOS). Para acceder a ellas, basta con acceder a los
siguientes enlaces:
Día 1: BPOS Introducción <>
Suscribirse y Activar Microsoft Online Services
Comenzar con
Microsoft Online Administration Center
Acceder a los servicios de BPOS
SharePoint Online Introducción
Administrar Microsoft Office
Communications Online
Administrar Microsoft Office Live Meeting
Exchange Online Introducción
Día 2: BPOS Administracíón <>
Microsoft Exchange Online Administración y características
Gestionar y Utilizar Microsoft SharePoint Online
Día 3: Despliegue <>
Migración de Correo y Coexistencia de Directorio Activo
Planifica, Prepara, Migra
Espero que os gusten
Jailbreak en Windows Phone
No me resisto a pegaros esta foto :-D es o no es encantador el regalo que le han dado...
Los recursos tecnicos fundamentales en BPOS (de
Aqui va una excelente recopilacion de los ultimos recursos tecnicos alrededor de BPOS, algunos de ellos requieren que seas partner registrado de MS Online, ya sabeis, el site
Category 1: Must read and keep on a USB key.
In other words, this is core content that you cannot be without. You will constantly refer back to it and it needs to be refreshed every month.
Service Descriptions and white papers:
The abosolute best resource is the Deployment Site . There will find a link to the holy grail of BPOS-S technical information related to migration: The BPOS Deployment Guide.
Useful detail can be found in a more summary form in the Service Descriptions:
· Exchange Online Standard
· SharePoint Online Standard
· Office Communications Online Standard
· Blackberry and Mobile Details
Category 2: Must read, subscribe and check when updated
· BPOS Team Blog
THE place you will get the latest info on new services, updates and content
· Microsoft Online Service Notifications RSS Feed
If there are problems with the service this is the official notification vehicle.
· Business Productivity Online Suite Onboarding and Discovery Checklist for Partners
Partner only resource that details pre-sales discovery detais.
Category 3: Online Training
· "How do I" videos – quick and useful, but keep an eye on the dates. Services change regularly, webcasts don't.
· Getting Your Directory and Mail Content Into Microsoft Online Services: An Overview
· Migration to BPOS
· Microsoft Online Services, the choice of businesses – BPOS or Google
· BPOS 101: Exploring Microsoft Online Services
· Using PowerShell with Microsoft Online Services
· Filtering and Archiving with Exchange Online
Start here:
· BPOS Administration and Onboarding 1 day online training class:
BPOS end to end: Level 100-200
· Administering Exchange Online : 3 hours focus on Exchange Online and
· Administrating SharePoint Online: 3 hours focus on SharePoint Online
· Migration and Onboarding Deep Dive :
The Deployment Guide (above) should be used the most current reference. This deep dive is still solid though and contains detailed content on migration and pre-sales discovery. Level 200-400.
Then: See Depth Guidance references
Category 4: Online References
· FAQ – quick reference for international availability (at bottom) and other useful topics
· Microsoft Online Services TechCenter on Technet
· BPOS Documentation on Technet
· BPOS Online Help
· Securing Microsoft's Cloud Infrastructure: How we do it. Useful info about what goes on tour data center(s). Includes more than BPOS.
· Security in Business Productivity Online Suite. Details on BPOS data center specifically.
Category 5: Depth Guidance
· Infrastructure Planning Guides – very good for walking through evaluating on-premise to online migrations.
o SharePoint Online
o Exchange Online
· Developers Guides: what you can and can't do with web services and BPOS.
o Exchange Online
o SharePoint Online
· Partners: See the Partner Migration Toolkit :
This is a key resource that is not as well known as it should be.
· Speed Testing paper
(Guidance for Microsoft Online Services Multinational Customers)
· Network connectivity analysis tool in North America (United States) data center
· Network connectivity analysis tool in Europe (Ireland) data center
· Network connectivity analysis tool in Asia-Pacific (Singapore) data center
· Microsoft Online Services Diagnostic and Logging Support
· Office Communicator for BPOS
· Microsoft Online Sign in Client
· Outlook 2003 Sign in Connector
· Mac Sign in Client
· Migration Tool – 32 bit: Regulalry updated with new powershell capabilities.
· Migration Tool – 64 bit: Regulalry updated with new powershell capabilities.
· Directory Synch
Lync y Skype se hablan !!!!
Microsoft, ha anunciado que los usuarios de Skype y de Lync ya pueden comunicarse entre sí en todas las partes del planeta. Cuando el de Redmond compró Skype en Mayo del año 2011 por el valor de 8.500 millones de dólares (5.920 millones de euros) la mayor incentidumbre al respecto, era el sitio que ocuparía Skype dentro de las comunicaciones de la compañía. Ahora, mediante el cliente de VoIP descargable se podrán eliminar las barreras de ambas aplicaciones.
Aunque la integración de Skype y Lync es algo que el gigante tenía pensado hacer hace algunos meses, ya que Tony Bates anunció en la conferencia de Lync que pronto ambos estarían conectados, en un principio se pensó que la integración se haría presente algo más adelante (para el mes de Junio), pero ahora Microsoft ha decidido anunciar que los usuarios de Skype y de Lync podrán comunicarse entre ellos fusionando ambos servicios desde este mismo momento.
Tanto para Lync Online como para Lync On Premise
Microsoft Office 365 Beta Deployment Guide for Enterprises
Os hago un repost de un documento importante que se acaba de lanzar
We are excited to announce that the "Microsoft Office 365 Beta Deployment Guide for Enterprises' is now available on the Community Portal.
The Beta version of Office 365 for enterprises and this deployment guide are still in development and are subject to change during the beta period and at the time of general availability (GA). Please check back for updated versions as we incorporate feedback.
Please feel free to send feedback and suggestions to
About the document
This document presents the Office 365 Beta for enterprises deployment process in a manner that explains both important deployment concepts as well as detailed procedures. It is also intentionally organized into the sections that provide specific types of information to specific types of people in your organization. Here is a quick overview of what you will find:
- Deployment Overview section. This material provides the high-level look at the deployment and organizational requirements to deploy Office 365 Beta for enterprises. It has valuable information for your IT decision-makers, program managers, and technical implementation leads.
- Plan and Prepare sections. These sections describe the particular tasks and activities required to get ready and fully implement your Office 365 Beta for enterprises deployment. They are generally presented in the order in which you address them during your deployment. Topics discussed in the Plan section generally reappear in the Prepare section with instructions for carrying out the task. Within both sections is content that will concern specific subject matter experts in your organization.
- Migrate section. This section describes the steps for moving your users' mailboxes to Office 365 Beta for enterprises so you can begin using the Office 365 Beta services as part of your production environment.
This deployment guide does not address Office 365 Beta for enterprises sales activities that occur before deployment or operations activities that occur after deployment. In addition, the guide does not address solution alignment questions. It is assumed that your organization has already conducted a preliminary evaluation with Microsoft staff or partners to assess how well Office 365 Beta for enterprises aligns with your current and future business application requirements. Lastly, the guide does not provide guidance on moving an existing BPOS implementation to the Office 365 Beta for enterprises. Information about transitioning from BPOS to Office 365 is available at the Microsoft Office 365 transition center.
Para los que habeis leido hasta aqui, un regalito
Más utilidades para BPOS
Message ops es un partner de MS Online que ha desarrollado ultimamente un monton de utilidades para completar algunas limitaciones que tienen los usuarios (:-D a la hora de usar BPOS, os pego las novedades que han añadido, la pagina de ellos es por que creo que los enlaces no apuntan bien.
User Passwords are not synchronized from the local Active Directory to Microsoft Online | Password Synchronization |
Administrators need real time alerts of potential service impacting events | Exchange Online Monitor |
Users are not able to reset their Microsoft Online Password if they forget it | Microsoft Online User Portal |
Administrators are not able to administer their online users through Active Directory Users and Computers or delegate control to helpdesk staff | MSO Manager |
SharePoint Online Document Libraries cannot be mail enabled | SharePoint Bridge |
Mailbox permissions are not migrated from on premise Exchange Servers to Exchange Online | Permissions Manager |
Users can't update the membership of distribution lists they are the manager of | Microsoft Online User Portal |
Dynamic Distribution Lists are not supported in Microsoft Online | Dynamic Groups |
Advanced administration and reporting capabilities are not available through MOAC or the default PowerShell Commands | PowerShell Extensions |
Converstations in Communicator cannot be captured | Extractor |
Deskless and OWA only users are not notified when new mail arrives or if they have upcoming appointments | OWA Notifier |
When users are migrated, entries stored in their Nickname Cache are lost | Nickname Cache Migrator |
Novedades, DISABLE ADYSNC y Rollout de ADFS para soporte multi UPN
Desde HOY ya se puede deshabilitar la sincronización de directorios en Office 365
y … soporte multi UPN
Nuevas ordenes Powershell en BPOS, POR FIN !!!!
COmo ya se anunció en la revision trimestral se añaden nuevas ordenes powershell en BPOS
Hay que descargar utilidad nueva de migracion ya sea en 32 bits o en 64 bits. Sin ella, no tendremos acceso a las ordenes.
De las cuatro ordenes contamos con las de "ALternate recipient" personalmente no son las que más uso os las pongo
1. Clear-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient: By using this cmdlet, you can remove all alternate recipient settings for a user's mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. Clearing these settings will stop incoming messages from being forwarded to a designated alternate e-mail address and will restore delivery to the original recipient's mailbox.
Get the Clear-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlt here.
2. Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient: Use the Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlet to set an alternate recipient for a user's mailbox in Microsoft Online Services. The cmdlet supports the following delivery scenarios for incoming e-mail messages:
- Messages are delivered to the recipient's mailbox and forwarded to an alternate e-mail address.
- Messages are forwarded to an alternate e-mail address without delivery to the intended recipient's mailbox.
Get the Set-MSOnlineAlternateRecipient cmdlt here.
La que por fin tenemos es la de habilitar/deshabilitar POP3 a un usuario. Cuantas llamadas a soporte, y tickets no hemos puesto para hacer esto....
Las ordenes son
3. Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess: Use this cmdlet to disable POP3 access for a specific user's mailbox in Microsoft Online Services.
Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess -Identity <String> -Credentials <PSCredentials>
Identity | Required | System.String | The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail address or UPN of user's mailbox you want to modify. |
Credentials | Required | System.Management.Automation.PSCredential | Your company's administrator credentials. |
This example disables POP3 access for a specific user's mailbox.
Disable-MSOnlinePOPAccess -Identity -Credentials $CompanyAdminCredentials
4. Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess: Use this cmdlet to enable POP3 access for a specific user's mailbox in Microsoft Online Services.
Use the Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess cmdlet to enable POP3 access for a specific
user's mailbox in Microsoft Online Services .
Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess -Identity <String> -Credentials <PSCredentials>
Identity | Required | System.String | The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail address or UPN of user's mailbox you want to modify. |
Credentials | Required | System.Management.Automation.PSCredential | Your company's administrator credentials. |
This example enables POP access for a specific user's mailbox.
Enable-MSOnlinePOPAccess -Identity -Credentials $CompanyAdminCredentials
Espero que me deis feedback de como de rapido es el proceso, a priori pinta bien.
Nuevo recurso para partners
Un one stop shop :-) para ayudaros en el deploy de BPOS
Office 365 Deployment Readiness Tool Beta
OJo a la pagina\#8155
Se acaba de publicar la version Beta de Deployment Readiness Tool.. ANALISIS DE NUESTRO ENTORNO ON-PREMISE
The Office
365 Deployment Readiness Tool beta provides analysis of your on-premises
environment in preparation for an Office 365 enterprise deployment. The
readiness tool is integrated with the guidance provided in the web edition of the
Office 365 Beta Deployment Guide. The
following assessments are provided:
- Domains
- Email domain discovery and
number of users leveraging each domain
- User Identity and Account
Provisioning - Statistical information
- Active Directory schema and
forest/domain functional data - Trusts extract (checks for
multi-forest constraints) - Directory Synchronization
- Pre-requisite checks
- Attribute assessment
- Single sign on
- Exchange Online
- Statistical information
- Public folder, public
delegates, and proxyaddresses extract - 3rd party and
unified messaging proxyaddresses information
- Lync Online
- SharePoint Online
- User object count assessment
- Client and End User
Experience - Summary of domain joined
machines for rich experience/SSO readiness
- Network
- Port analysis on certain
Office 365 endpoints - DNS records assessment
Operating System:
- Windows XP RTM and above (x86 or x64)
- Windows Vista RTM and above (x86 or x64)
- Windows 7 RTM and above (x86 or x64)
- Windows Server 2003 RTM and above (x86
or x64) - Windows Server 2008 RTM and above (x86
or x64) - Windows Server 2003 R2 RTM and above
(x86 or x64) - Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM and above
Note: The above operating systems have been
verified to function in English only. Other languages may have differing
results and are not recommended.
Web browsers:
- Internet Explorer 7.0 and above
- Firefox 4
- Chrome 10
- Safari 3.5
Note: The above web browsers have been
verified to function with the tool, other browsers and/or browser versions may
have differing results and are not
Installation path:
- Must be run from the c:\ drive
- Cannot be run from other drive path or
network drive - Installation path c:\office365reskit\
- Hard drive space of min 1GB free 10GB
suggested for large organizations with many domains/users
Domain joined PC or server:
- Domain joined machine connected to your
corporate network is required
Active Directory:
- Active Directory is required
Forest considerations:
- Run once for each forest in your
- No administrative rights required
- Domain user
- Review and accept license terms
- Download file (link below)
- Save file to c:\ drive on computer
- Extract the
Office365DeploymentReadinessTool.exe from the download link - Double click on Office 365 Deployment
Readiness Tool .exe - Results will be provided shortly
thereafter (the number of objects, number of domains, and number of issues
discovered will determine the amount of time the tool will run).
Other considerations:
- Recent PC or server
(non-virtualized) generally provide the fastest results - Certain anti-virus programs (with real
time scan enabled) reduce performance of the tool by scanning each read/write
operation of the tmp and csv files (text files) created in the
c:\office365reskit\ folders. - Excluding the files from real time
scan may increase performance
- Consider running the tool during
non-peak business hours
Office 365 Edu !!!!
Ya es público
en el BETT de Londres
LONDON – Jan. 11, 2010 – When Microsoft announced Office 365
late last year, the company showed how workers will use the cloud to
collaborate more easily from virtually anywhere on any device.
Now it's about to do the same for students.
announced today that Office 365 for education, the company's next-generation
cloud productivity service for K-12 schools and universities (and the successor
to Live@edu), will launch later this year. The company made the announcement in London
at BETT, the world's largest educational technology
Also in London today, Microsoft announced that
15 million students now use Live@edu, up from 11 million students just three
months ago. Office 365 for education will be the successor to Live@edu, which
is Microsoft's current communication and collaboration offering for K-12
schools and universities
Ya hay muchos ecos de la noticia, por ejemplo
y se ha publicado el plan de precios, respecto a plazos, "a lo largo de 2011"
:-D prestad atención a la noticia en;content
que "suelta" jugosas perlas tales como:
As it
turns out, Office 365 for Education, detailed today at the Microsoft Education
Conference in London, makes the cloud a powerful platform for education and
collaboration in a genuinely unified way that its competitors (cough, ahem,
Google, cough, cough) just haven't managed to achieve.
Google Apps is easy, straigtforward, and will, no doubt, make huge strides
to catch up with Office 365. If I had to choose between the two right now, I'd
pick Office 365.
El plan de precios es el siguiente
Como siempre, quienes mejor os podrán informar son el equipo de Educacion tanto a los partners como a los clientes, gran equipo !!!
Office 365 la siguiente version
Para probar la nueva version de Office 365 solo hay que ir a
Recordad que TODO lo que hagamos se borrará conforma avance la fase beta, aun asi, es impresionante el esfuerzo y features de esta version que dará mucho que hablar. Y sino, al tanto. Especial atencion a Sharepoint !!!
Office 365 Lanzado !!! Steve Ballmer lo ha anunciado hoy
Desde hace aproximadamente una hora Office 365 ha pasado de estar en beta a estar disponible de forma global.Podeis encontrar el anuncio, la demo, etc. impresionante !!!
Para obtener información definitiva sobre las características disponibles, planes, etc. aqui
Lo que hasta ahora eran las Service Descriptions han sido actualizadas y las podeis encontrar aqui
Muchas notas de prensa piensan que es un ataque a Google.... que raros los comentarios. Otros hacen hicanpie en las aplicaciones web, en fin.....
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AD RMS to AD RMS to Azure Information Protection Part 1 The Scenario: So, you have read my previous blog posts about AD RMS side-by-side migration and Enterprise Migration from AD RMS to AIP using SCCM but unfortunately both of those articles assume best case scenario for the original AD RMS cluster. Sadly, that is not always the way things work. In the real world, the AD RMS instance may have been initially installed on Windows Server 2003 using RMS 1.0 and was subsequently upgraded to 2008 R2 keeping all of the settings pretty much the same. This usually means using http only and having no CNAMEs for AD RMS or SQL. This makes my happy articles on upgrading to newer versions of AD RMS or to AIP a lot less straightforward. Let's fix that. The Setup: Luckily, most of the concepts for migration are the same as what I documented in the previous two articles, so I am going to happily plagerize reuse the content in those articles to make something new. This a...
MEDC in Las Vegas
Windows Azure:新计划程序服务,读取访问同步冗余存储以及监测更新 [原文发表地址] Windows Azure: New Scheduler Service, Read-Access Geo Redundant Storage, and Monitoring Updates [原文发表时间] December 12, 2013 12:41 PM 今天早上我们推出了windows Azure的另一组增强功能。今天的新功能包括: 程序调度:新的windows Azure计划程序服务 存储:新的同步读写冗余存储方案 监测:windows Azure服务的监测及诊断的增强功能 所有的这些改进现在都可以使用(注意有些功能仍然是在预览)。下面是有关他们的更多详细信息: 程序调度:新的windows Azure计划程序服务 我很高兴宣布我们可以预览新的Windows Azure调度服务。Windows Azure调度服务允许你安排启用HTTP/S端点的任务或者按你制定的任何计划向存储队列上发送信息。使用调度程序,你可以创建可靠的调用Windows Azure内部或外部服务的任务并且按照常规计划立刻运行或者设置他们在未来某刻运行。 想要开始使用调度程序,首先你需要在 Windows Azure Preview 页面上为预览进行注册。一旦在预览页中注册成功后,你可以登陆到管理门户并且开始使用它。 创建一个调度任务 一旦你在你的订阅中启用调度预览,你可以用以下几个简短步骤很容易的创建一个新的任务。 在Windows Azure门户管理网站内单击 新建-> 服务程序 -> 调度 –> 自定义创建: 选择一个你想要运行任务的Windows Azure 区域,之后选择一个已有的任务收集器或者创建一个新的并把任务加进去: 之后你就能定义你的任务操作。在本例中,我们会创建一个向web站点发送GET 请求的HTTP 操作(你也可以使用其他的HTTP协议,像HTTPS)。 对于处理长时间的请求或者在脱机状态启用某项服务,你也许更期望给存储队列添加一些信息而不是坚持启用一个Web 服务。要给存储队列添加信息你只需要选择存储队列作为你的操作,之后创建或选择一个存储帐号及队列用来发送请求: 一旦你定义了你要...
Exclude a path from WSS 3.0 on Windows Server 2008
Recursive CTEs continued ... In this post, I will finish the discussion of recursive CTEs that I began in my last post. I will continue to use the CTE examples from Books Online . To run these examples, you'll need to install the Adventure Works Cycles OLTP sample database . In my last post, I explained that all recursive queries follow the same pattern of one or more anchor sub-selects and one or more recursive sub-selects combined by a UNION ALL. Similarly, all recursive query plans also follow the same pattern which looks like so: |--Index Spool(WITH STACK) |--Concatenation |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr10XX]=(0))) | |-- ... anchor sub-select plan(s) ... |--Assert(WHERE:(CASE WHEN [Expr10ZZ]>(100) THEN (0) ELSE NULL END)) |--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([Expr10YY], [Recr10XX], ...)) |--Compute Scalar(DEFINE:([Expr10ZZ]=[Expr10YY]+(1))) ...
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